Funeral & burrial procedure

Masjid Hidayath is coordinating with Islamic Center of Naperville (ICN) in providing funeral services.

Islamic Center of Naperville has a burial contract with Clarendon Hills Cemetery in Darien, Illinois. Gravesites may be reserved for future family use. As of this date, there are over 300 gravesites available for burial reservation for future use. All graves are Qibla-oriented.

Muslim Funeral Service (a licensed entity) carries on the funeral service for the deceased in the community. When informed, their representative transports the body of the deceased from the place of death to a state-authorized washing (ghusl) facility. After ghusl, the body is carried to ICN (or a masjid in the vicinity) for Janaza prayer, and then take to the cemetery for burial.

Contact Information

Imran Baigbaigimran1@yahoo.com630-715-1220
Visit ICN Funeral Services